Confessional Worldview Seminar

The official blog for the 2006 Confessional Worldview Seminar held at King of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Golden Valley, Minnesota.

Paul at Mars Hill

Friday, August 25, 2006


Registration Form (registration deadline is 10-5-2006)

Name: _________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________
Home phone: (____) _____ - _______
Work phone: (____) _____ - _______
Email address: ________________________

Registration Fees - check all that apply

____ Seminar with meals and snacks (2 meals on Friday and 1 on Saturday)
$95.00 per person or $75.00 per student

____ One day only - includes one meal and one day of presentations
$50.00 per person

____ Optional Saturday Evening Banquet
$20.00 per person

Total Enclosed: ____________________

Please make checks payable to King of Grace Lutheran Church

Mail check and this completed form to :
King of Grace Lutheran Church
Attn: Confessional Worldview Semianr
6000 Duluth Street
Golden Valley, MN 55422

Any Questions? Special Requests? Call Pastor Matthew Brooks at King of Grace'

763-546-3131 or email mbrooksATkog-elsDOTorg


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